Ordering - Terms - Payment
How To Order :
Please view the items (coins, rolls, sets, etc.) listed on the For Sale (Inventory)
When you find an item you would like to purchase, just click on the "ADD TO CART"
button, located at the right side of the item listing. This will add 1 of these
items to your shopping cart and display your current cart contents. You can then
change the quantity you want to order by modifying the "Qty" field and clicking on
the "Update Cart" button. You can remove an item from the cart by checking the
corresponding box in the "Remove" column and clicking on the "Update Cart" button.

You can check the contents of your shopping cart at any time by clicking on any "View
Cart" button located anywhere throughout this website. Once you have everything you
want to order listed in your shopping cart, you are ready to complete your order.
To complete your order, and use the PayPal® online payment service to pay for your
purchase, just click on the "Checkout" button and follow the instructions.

If you prefer to pay by Check or Money Order, then just send me an
email with a list of the items
you would like to purchase. You can easily copy/paste the contents of your shopping
cart into your email.
(Click Here to Find Out How)
I will reply with verification of the availability of the items and the total price
(including shipping & insurance) for your order, and set aside the items you have
ordered (for 2 weeks) awaiting receipt of your payment. If shipping will be to a
non-U.S. address, please let me know, so that correct shipping charges can be

Terms Of Sale :
Availability of all items is subject to prior sale.
Shipping costs are based on total weight of items ordered + actual packing material costs.
Insurance costs are based on total value of items ordered.
There are NO Handling Fees! You pay only for the actual costs to ship your items to you.
I use the
U.S. Postal Service Rate Calculator
to determine shipping & insurance costs.
Shipment via other carriers (UPS, Fedex, etc.) is available upon request.
Shipment notification will be provided via email.
Viewing period of 14 days is allowed.
Any item that you are not satisfied with may be returned (insured), within this 14-day period,
for a complete purchase-price refund.
You MAY NOT return any item that has been removed from its original holder.
Payment Options :
PayPal® payment can be funded from either your Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover®, or
American Express® credit cards, or any bank debit cards with the Visa® or MasterCard®
logo on them, or directly from your bank account (via Instant Transfer or eCheck), or
from an existing PayPal® account balance, and will receive immediate shipment upon
email notification and verification that payment has been received.
In the unlikely event that your order includes an item that has previously been sold,
a complete refund (including appropriate shipping & insurance) will be made to
your account.
Payment should be sent to : Working.Man@usa.net
Payment by Cashier's Check or Money Order will receive immediate shipment upon
Payment by Business or Personal Check may require 2 weeks for check to clear
before shipment.
Make check or money order payable to : Dan Moore
And send to :
Dan Moore
P.O. Box 125
Monroe, MI 48161-0125
If paying by check or money order, please be sure to
email your order to me before
sending payment, so that I can verify that the items on your order are available and
properly calculate shipping costs.
Lastly, if there are any items you are looking for, that you did not see listed on my For
Sale pages, please feel free to
email me a list of them and I will
let you know if any of them are available from any of my other sources.